Butler does more for your safety.
Always has.
Always will.

For more than 25 years, Butler Seattle has set the highest standards for ensuring the safety, comfort and well being of all our clients and their guests.
It’s not something we’ve talked about, we’ve just done it. 

With the recent outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), Butler Seattle has implemented an elevated level of precautions to ensure that their guests and employees are in vehicles that have been regularly treated with sanitizing protocols outlined by the CDC before and after every transfer.

Steps Butler Transportation Services is taking for our vehicles

  • Disinfecting the ventilation systems between every run, running an ionizer with air flow on.*

  • To sanitize the floor and soft seating; we are steaming those surfaces at the CDC recommended temperature for the proper amount of time.**

  • All hard surfaces are thoroughly wiped down with anti-bacterial and anti-viral wipes as per the CDC instructions.

  • Removal of all magazines, promotional materials and any items that are routes for transferring bacteria or virus particles.

Steps Butler Seattle is taking within our own facility

  • Employees who are symptomatic or have been in contact with someone who is symptomatic are required stay home.

  • Only essential Butler personnel are allowed in the office and warehouse.

  • All commonly touched surfaces in our offices are wiped down at the beginning and end of every day per CDC instructions.

We look forward to serving you for the balance of 2021 and beyond!

Warm Regards,

Stuart Butler & Jeremy Butler

* The positive and negative ions produced by the ionizer have been shown to inactivate viruses.  We are running this protocol for a minimum of 40 minutes in each vehicle.

** Steam must be between 175 and 212 degrees and in contact for three minutes to effectively sanitize the surface.